In Our Latest Report, We Profile Four Organizations with a Shared Vision for a Thriving Household Need Data Ecosystem

We are excited to share our latest Data Landscape Report for 2024. At Hawai‘i Data Collaborative (HDC), we consistently hear the need for more timely, quality data to guide responses to pressing challenges. Arguably, one of Hawai‘i’s greatest challenges is that of households struggling to get by. Within the context of rising costs of living and limited economic opportunities, responding effectively to household need represents a complex and urgent challenge impacting communities across the state.


Following the release of our second Data Landscape report in 2022, we set out to respond to the specific data challenges we set out to respond to the specific data challenges we identified through interviews with over 60 leaders working to support households in need. Since then, we have partnered with frontline service providers, philanthropic funders, and government stakeholders to address those data challenges by building data capacities for a more insightful and connected data ecosystem. Through this work, we have continued to learn and develop our understanding, identifying pathways for more timely, quality data to guide responses to household need. We believe that supporting Hawai‘i’s frontline providers to build data capacities – while co-developing platforms for more responsive data sharing and collaboration across various stakeholders – will increase the quality, relevance and timeliness of data from households in need over time, leading to more effective responses to the challenges they face.

From frontline staff, to organization leadership, to government agencies, to policy and executive decision-makers – all who are working to support households need access to better data to achieve better outcomes. Now in year three of working alongside community partners to build these data capacities, we are releasing this report to highlight the stories of four organizations actively working to transform how they use and share data to improve outcomes for the households they serve. The report elevates a shared vision among these organizations of a thriving data ecosystem that is emerging: data – and the means to use it effectively – are readily available across sectors and at all levels, empowering those working to support households with the information they need to do so effectively.

If the sentiments and stories highlighted in the report resonate, we’d love to hear from you at and discuss how we can work together to improve the data landscape to achieve better outcomes for Hawai‘i’s households.


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