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In Our Latest Report, We Profile Four Organizations with a Shared Vision for a Thriving Household Need Data Ecosystem
Household need Adriann Gin Household need Adriann Gin

In Our Latest Report, We Profile Four Organizations with a Shared Vision for a Thriving Household Need Data Ecosystem

We are excited to share our latest Data Landscape Report for 2024. Since our last report in 2022, we have partnered with frontline service providers, philanthropic funders, and government stakeholders to address their data challenges by building data capacities for a more insightful and connected data ecosystem. Now in year three of working alongside community partners to build these data capacities, we are releasing this report to highlight the stories of four organizations actively working to transform how they use and share data to improve outcomes for the households they serve, sharing a vision for a thriving data ecosystem.

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Uplifting Nonprofit Service Provider Data to Support Struggling Households
Household need Adriann Gin Household need Adriann Gin

Uplifting Nonprofit Service Provider Data to Support Struggling Households

In this new year, we continue to focus on collaborating with service providers, government agencies, and private sector funders working to support Hawai‘i households in need. While 2023 marks the start of our first official post-Covid year, data from a recent Aloha United Way (AUW) report suggests many who were struggling to get by prior to the pandemic may be faring much worse now. AUW conducted their interim study independently due to the lack of local and current data, as national sources we traditionally relied upon for understanding current household need would take years to access, making it difficult to extract insights and make decisions in a timely manner.

For an issue as important as household well-being, we should not be relying primarily on lagging national data sources. In order for data to be relevant, it needs to be timely. Otherwise, how will it guide our leaders to understand and address the unique challenges of households struggling to get by in Hawai‘i today?

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Building Our Data Capacities to Respond to Household Need
Household need Adriann Gin Household need Adriann Gin

Building Our Data Capacities to Respond to Household Need

Following the release of our first Hawai‘i Data Landscape report in early 2021, we set out to apply what we learned about the data challenges and opportunities to an urgent issue arguably only exacerbated by the pandemic: the struggle of households just trying to get by. Our decision to focus on data for those working to support households and communities in need led us to reach out to leaders across sectors with a guiding question: What are the opportunities for community to enhance its ability to gain and act on data insight to serve households in need?

We welcome you to read our 2022 Report to better understand Hawai‘i’s current data landscape around household need, and how we might move forward using data to work better together.

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A Report on Hawai‘i’s Data & Evidence Landscape
Adriann Gin Adriann Gin

A Report on Hawai‘i’s Data & Evidence Landscape

We are excited to share a report that summarizes what the Hawai‘i Data Collaborative has learned directly, and indirectly through interviews with key stakeholders, about the the data landscape in Hawai‘i, offering a guide to moving forward. Our sincere hope is that this report catalyzes the collective and collaborative effort needed to foster a thriving data culture, ready to confront the challenges of 2021 and beyond.

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