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NTEN’s Nonprofit Technology Conference: An Opportunity for Hawai‘i Nonprofits to Get Resourced
Non-profit guides Adriann Gin Non-profit guides Adriann Gin

NTEN’s Nonprofit Technology Conference: An Opportunity for Hawai‘i Nonprofits to Get Resourced

Nonprofits often lag behind for-profit entities in terms of data capacity and technology access. Lack of general funding and human resources, in addition to programmatic funding and operations structures prioritizing direct services over capacity building are all challenges that nonprofits across the country, including Hawaiʻi service providers, often face. NTEN is an organization that supports nonprofits in leveraging technology to increase impact and equity. Similar to Hawaiʻi Data Collaborative (HDC), NTEN’s focus is on providing capacity-building resources and support to nonprofits rather than offering direct services that address specific issues.

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