Past Projects

COVID Data Resources
With the onset of COVID in March 2020, we launched this page as a platform for providing consistent and accessible data relevant for responding to the pandemic. Since then, multiple public and private data resources have evolved to meet this need. As such, we have repurposed this page to serve as a directory of these resources.

Understanding Federal COVID Relief
The primary purpose of these data sets was to provide clarity and insight on all federal dollars Hawai‘i has received, or is eligible to receive, to assist with the impacts of COVID-19, and to gain a better understanding of where the dollars are going and how it was spent.

Visualizing the State Budget
To better understand and make thoughtful decisions on where our tax dollars go, policy makers, community leaders, and public citizens need access to clear and transparent budget data. This project aimed to improve budget data accessibility by working to make State budget data readily available, useful and meaningful.

Community Indicators
These tools were created in 2019 to combine multiple datasets and provide users visualization options for various use cases. The data provided in these tools relies on Federal and State administrative data, most of which is released 1-2 years after the data is collected (e.g. the most current U.S. Census American Community Survey data was collected in 2019). Given the profound health and economic consequences of COVID-19, we feel these tools offer limited utility for addressing current circumstances.